Become social patner

1. Who is a Social Partner ?

At Erasustain, a "Social Partner" refers to any non-governmental organization (NGO) that registers on the platform to be part of the network that supports various causes. On the platform there are diverse roster of NGOs , representing a range of humanitarian efforts from animal welfare to childcare, elderly care, mental health, to environmental conservation, and many more. The term "Social Partner" emphasizes the partnership between Erasustain and NGOs in supporting their causes, with the ultimate goal of covering all 17 aspects of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) comprehensively, for a better Tomorrow.

2. Erasusatin For SP

Erasustain understands the complexities NGOs encounter such as securing donations, increasing visibility, and connecting with CSR partners. Our platform offers a holistic solution: it enables effortless fundraising, attracts volunteers and donors, and showcases your impactful work, increasing recognition and support for your cause. We streamline the process of connecting with CSR partners, providing a single, efficient, and cost-free app that encompasses all these functions. This approach amplifies your efforts, making your noble work accessible and acknowledged, all in one place.

3. How Erasusatin For SP ?

The simple role of a social partner is to enlist volunteers on our platform, and we handle the rest, including fundraising. With every additional volunteer who supports the cause, the NGO's potential donations increase. This seamless approach is designed to maximize your reach and effectiveness, making every volunteer count towards a greater good.

4. Why Erasusatin?

Having experienced the challenges of running an NGO, Erasustain deeply understands the difficulties involved, thus we not only provide solutions to the challenges faced; we also provide a state-of-the-art technology, unlike any other that streamlines operations and enhance greater impact.

With the features like:

1. Volunteer Dashboard to easily manage volunteer activities.

2. Top Influencers to recognize and reward your most active supporters.

3. Top Donor to recognize and reward your most active donor.

4. Company Ambassadors where influential figures can boost your cause.

5. Rating via which effectiveness of campaigns can be Gauged through direct feedback.

6. My Earnings Tab to monitor donations received through volunteer engagement.

7. CSR Campaigns to Connect directly with CSR initiatives.

8. Social Media Functionality that Amplifies your cause seamlessly.

9. Export Feature to Effortlessly export data for reporting and analysis.

An NGO is equipped to expedite, enhance, and streamline their efforts, ensuring their mission achieves greater effectiveness.

To enhance authenticity and trust, Erasustain requires NGOs to submit documents like : 10AC, for tax exemption proof; Trustee PAN Card, for trustee identification in financial activities; CSR 1, as mandatory registration for CSR activities; and FCRA, for certification to receive foreign contributions. These documents verify that NGOs adhere to regulatory compliances and establish their trustworthiness, thus encouraging users to confidently support their activities through Erasustain.

5. Erasustain and your NGO:

To Know more about Erasuatin or to Registor :


Name: Mohit Arora



The Highest form
of love

Inspired by the idea that giving is the truest form of love and humanity, we built this platform from the threads of compassion. Our Vision is to turn hope into real help, bringing everyone together to create a kinder, happier world.

Our Features

Engage with causes you are passionate about to make a real difference. Every action here creates an Impact.

Direct Donate

Contribute funds to trustworthy NGOs. Explore their active campaigns and work, ensuring meaningful genuine donations.

Raise Awareness

Broaden your understanding of lesser-known causes and Public Welfare schemes and initiatives, enabling you to contribute knowledgeably and meaningfully.

Volunteer & Get Certified

Volunteer for causes close to your heart, and earn a certificate that enhances your prospects, offering not just a credential but also motivation from supporting meaningful causes.

Become a Top Volunteer

Inspire others to support causes you're passionate about. Dedicated efforts are recognised on NGO profiles, highlighting your role as a Top volunteer.